Friday, August 16, 2019

Green Chemistry: Analysis of a Mixture

I learned how to better calculate the percent yield for reactions in different ways. It was also an incredible way to multitask and be extremely productive. I lit the gas on fire well for the first time and liked working as a team to solve problems. Lab skills wise I need to know how to turn on sinks with them erupting like a geyser. In addition, I need to improve upon my problem-solving skills by thinking through reactions all the way to the end and to know how mistakes will affect it. My lab partners helped me by answering all the stupid questions I had.
Slug Dancing GIFdog chemistry GIF
GIF by Cheezburger

1 comment:

  1. One thing I would improve lab-technique wise is to allow everything to cool completely before massing and calculating any yield results as not allowing it to cool fully will alter my results
